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Tag Archives: Care Provider


Is the Home the Best Place for Your Senior Loved Ones?

Our homes play an important function in our lives. This is where we rest and prepare ourselves for every single day. But as we reach our senior years, being at home can have a deeper meaning. This may be the place to receive compassionate care from c...

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The Most Nutritious Foods for a Senior Diet

Changes in your senior loved one’s diet are normal due to the physiological changes that come with aging as well as other factors such as medication side effects and poor dental health. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t do anyth...

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Live-In Care: Meeting Your Loved One’s Needs 24/7

Having a care professional at home, ready to attend to your loved one’s needs, has more benefits than you think. When it comes to ensuring their health, availing of live-in care has shown improvements to safety and recovery progress because of time...

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Things to Know of Registered Nurse Assessment

Taking good decision-making skills is one of the important things to senior care for your loved ones. A home care agency in Union, New Jersey is also included in this process. You should get the report and assessment from a professional for better ch...

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Senior Care: Tips to Promote Medication Management

Polypharmacy is common among the aging population. Statistics show that there are approximately 54 million seniors in the United States. Moreover, about 12% of seniors take 10 or more medications per week. Hence, it’s important to practice good med...

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Exercising With Chronic Conditions: Dementias

We can all reap benefits from exercise and working out. Physical activity is recommended to all, even to seniors who have chronic health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, or diabetes. But how should it be done if you’re...

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caregiver and senior man smiling