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Exercising With Chronic Conditions: Dementias

Exercising With Chronic Conditions: Dementias

We can all reap benefits from exercise and working out. Physical activity is recommended to all, even to seniors who have chronic health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, or diabetes. But how should it be done if you’re a senior suffering from dementia?

Seniors who have dementia can still enjoy exercise. But to be safe, they should always be assisted by a family member or professional caregiver, such as our home health aide in New Jersey.

Older adults who have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be able to safely do more vigorous forms of exercise, similar to older adults who do not have this condition. Being active can definitely help people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease feel better and maintain a healthy weight while achieving regular routines, such as toilet, bathing, and sleep habits. If you have a loved one who has dementia, it’s good to take the time to exercise with them to make their experience more fun.

Giving compassionate care is one of our missions as a certified home care agency. It must also be your mission as a daughter, son, husband, or wife of a senior with dementia. Part of this care is helping the family member stay active despite dementia. You can do this by:

  • Taking a walk together each day.
  • Using exercise videos with them at home.
  • Dancing to music.
  • Helping them garden.
  • Assisting them in doing household chores.

There are a lot of activities you can do with your senior loved ones. Apart from giving them relief from their chronic conditions, you also get to spend quality time together. For better assistance, call Outfront Home Care LLC, a trusted home care agency in Union, New Jersey, today!

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